Theartre I-IV Click Here for Syllabus
Theatre I-IV will focus on developing the young actor and establishing a fountaidont of skills preparing them for the art of telling a story from an authentic perspective. This class is steeped in exploring memory, imagination, sensory awareness and instinctively Doing. Purpose-driven play engaging full body and voice supports focused energy, cultivating raw talents into discipline, skill sets and necessary tools of the craft.
Theatre Production Click here for Syllabus
Audition Required
Theatre Production is designed to engage the actor to use their imagination to ground themselves in character, expand their senses while using the space, and dig deep into the circumstances that the character must live. In this class, students learn to build their work from the inside out by asking the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How of a character, and learn to seek out the truest expression and life of that person. Elements of Meisner, Adler and other schools of acting and drama pedagogy are applied to give students a firm grounding in various disciplines of acting and drama technique.
Technical Theatre
In Technical Theatre we will:
-Read plays aloud, discuss them, and learn about their writers
- Learn about stage movement (blocking) and parts of the stage
- Develop vocal clarity, physical control, and self-confidence
- Discuss and write about people, relationships and societal issues
- Learn how to use our imaginations through script analysis and design
- Discover that there is more to Theatre Arts than you ever dreamed
- Learn and use safety guidelines everyday, especially while using POWER TOOLS.
- Learn and safely use technical equipment to express ideas/concepts.
Act honestly, and answer boldly.
Danish Proverb